
The resources which have been produced in the MESSAGE project are available in two forms: “Freely available” and “From Owner”.

“Freely available” Resources

- Two resources which are subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 France Licence

- MESSAGE project advertising leaflet
- Extracts from alert message and protocols writing manuals
- LiSe and MESSAGE projects poster (in English)

“From Owner” Resources

The Owner of these resources is the MESSAGE project consortium. Interested parties are requested to contact

These resources are:
- Targeted at linguists: Course material covering controlled languages and their evaluation and localisation (written in English and French)
- Targeted at Target Group writers of controlled alert messages and protocols: Course material, writing manual and evaluation techniques (written in and localised for the four languages of the partners’ member states: English, French, Polish and Spanish).

With the support of the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme European Commission - Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security

Webmaster: Gabriel Sekunda / E-mail: / Updated: 06.11.2009